Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Push the Button
So today is Tuesday. Typically I have my company softball league on Tuesdays, but tonight is the last game for my fun non-company league so I'll be going to that. Last night after work I was texting and getting in my car and my phone repeadetly shut off and restarted. This is actually a common occurance with my phone and this is now the 2nd time I've had to replace it. I have the Motorola Backflip and don't have a clue why I switched away from Blackberry. I cannot wait to get a new BB. My little from sorority days is actually staying with her friend, randomly enough in my apartment building, until she moves into her new place this weekend. She came up for a quick glass of wine and to vent about stuff. I <3 her. <> love.
Also, what would you think if some guy told you that he didn't like crowded bars?
1. what bar isn't crowded?
2. if it's not crowded, it's probably SUPER boring.
3. I guess we won't be hanging out because I go to bars....a lot.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Twilight Zone Part 2
Saturday morning, I woke up and literally drug my ass to the gym for a quick workout before a long day of really random and super fun events. I drove over to katmcd's for a pool date. It was so weird though because as soon as we sat down, it was a thousand degrees, and every time we went into the pool, it was cloud cover. But we got a nice little tan, quickly changed clothes and picked up katmcd's friend to go to the H St. Biergarten Haus. I think the short version is her friend just got married and during the after party they went to a similar place in Michigan and wanted to drink out of a boot, and this was a place you could do it. The drive over was weird bc we hit everyone coming back from the Glen Beck rally and got diverted on Constitution. Also, H St is an "up and coming neighborhood." (read: ghetto) I happen to get really uncomfortable in places like this but whatever. We found it, parked and entered into a tiny little row house and were greeted by a foreign girl (points for the accent at a German Biergarten). We started following her and the patio just never ended. It was a huge backyard of shared picnic tables, a bar, and a lot of TVs. The three of us sat down with this older couple and ordered 3 Radlers and some pretzel rolls. Radlers are a mix of beer and 7up, basically a Shandy if you know what those are. The older couple were nice enough but started awkwardly PDA-ing. After the large beer, I was tired, hungry for real food since they didn't start serving there until 5, and wanted a shower, so we left. But as we were leaving, this guy pulls my arm so I turn around and says, "Hey, have you met Greg?" I laugh hysterically and tell katmcd, "omg, that guy just pulled a Hi have you met Ted game on me!" We all laughed and then kept walking. Katmcd and I went back to her place, and traded cars and I drove us back to my place.
While at my place, we just cleaned up, ate California Tortilla, and were sitting around before it was time to leave and go to the most random house party ever, and I get a text message. The text is from this guy who I used to be good friends with, but there was a falling out of sorts and we haven't talked in 6 months. The text read like we had just hung out like last weekend and he was hosting people over for the UFC fight. I sat there stunned for a solid 10 minutes not knowing what was going on. So after I digest it, I just simply respond back, "I have other plans. I'll let you know if they change. Thanks for the offer." Simple, polite, and not "Oh hey, wtf are you texting me for, we don't talk anymore." I found out the next day that a bunch of our friends went over there, a lot of whom were in the same boat as me and hadn't talked to him and his roommate in a long time. and had a great time, but everyone just acted like the last 6 months hadn't happened. I guess I can appreciate that though, and while I had fun where I went, I was interested in being there too.
After all of that, katmcd and I hopped in the car and we started the trek to Bryan's Road, MD. We had to google this place to double check it existed. A friend of katmcd's that she met through work had a party to watch UFC, and she was invited, and brought me. Neither of us had a clue what to expect but it was ok. We were met outside by her friend and were walked inside to meet the few people who were there. A husband and wife who owned the home, and another couple. Oh.My.God. wtf is this? We go into the kitchen for a drink, and are suddenly surrounded by a child running around. She had Disney Princess chairs everywhere though, so that was fun. Some of the party highlights included flip cup, having nicknames within 10 minutes of us being there (Little Miss Educated, Miss Backboard, etc), wrestling outside, shoes in the pool, a man crying, a male stripper in a leopard print(he said it was camo) cast, one of the guys calling katmcd his sister and me his cousin (oh west virginia) and beer pong. And quite possible the best thing form the night was katmcd and I tried to leave at one point, got in my car, turned it on, turned on my lights, put it in gear and were literally stopped before I could drive by a couple (we loved the girl) and the house owner guy. Oh no, we couldn't leave. They weren't ready to see us go. So we went back inside. Then katcmd and the house owner exchanged numbers and I guess he gave it out to some of the party and then got my number and they love us. I have no idea why. We both were mean to their faces, but they loved it. And they kind of played mean to us too. Whatever, it worked. I had stopped drinking about 3 hours before we left so I was tired and ready to go around 2 and we actually did leave.
Sunday katmcd, R, A, and I went to Six Flags in MD and had an amazing time. A lot of sun, lines were non-existent, we did the water park too. Long weekend, amazing stories, and new friends.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that in the car on the way to the Biergarten, katmcd looked over and said, oh there's Sarah from America's Next Top Model. Sure enough, there she was, just walking on the street near Chinatown. Weird right?
While at my place, we just cleaned up, ate California Tortilla, and were sitting around before it was time to leave and go to the most random house party ever, and I get a text message. The text is from this guy who I used to be good friends with, but there was a falling out of sorts and we haven't talked in 6 months. The text read like we had just hung out like last weekend and he was hosting people over for the UFC fight. I sat there stunned for a solid 10 minutes not knowing what was going on. So after I digest it, I just simply respond back, "I have other plans. I'll let you know if they change. Thanks for the offer." Simple, polite, and not "Oh hey, wtf are you texting me for, we don't talk anymore." I found out the next day that a bunch of our friends went over there, a lot of whom were in the same boat as me and hadn't talked to him and his roommate in a long time. and had a great time, but everyone just acted like the last 6 months hadn't happened. I guess I can appreciate that though, and while I had fun where I went, I was interested in being there too.
After all of that, katmcd and I hopped in the car and we started the trek to Bryan's Road, MD. We had to google this place to double check it existed. A friend of katmcd's that she met through work had a party to watch UFC, and she was invited, and brought me. Neither of us had a clue what to expect but it was ok. We were met outside by her friend and were walked inside to meet the few people who were there. A husband and wife who owned the home, and another couple. Oh.My.God. wtf is this? We go into the kitchen for a drink, and are suddenly surrounded by a child running around. She had Disney Princess chairs everywhere though, so that was fun. Some of the party highlights included flip cup, having nicknames within 10 minutes of us being there (Little Miss Educated, Miss Backboard, etc), wrestling outside, shoes in the pool, a man crying, a male stripper in a leopard print(he said it was camo) cast, one of the guys calling katmcd his sister and me his cousin (oh west virginia) and beer pong. And quite possible the best thing form the night was katmcd and I tried to leave at one point, got in my car, turned it on, turned on my lights, put it in gear and were literally stopped before I could drive by a couple (we loved the girl) and the house owner guy. Oh no, we couldn't leave. They weren't ready to see us go. So we went back inside. Then katcmd and the house owner exchanged numbers and I guess he gave it out to some of the party and then got my number and they love us. I have no idea why. We both were mean to their faces, but they loved it. And they kind of played mean to us too. Whatever, it worked. I had stopped drinking about 3 hours before we left so I was tired and ready to go around 2 and we actually did leave.
Sunday katmcd, R, A, and I went to Six Flags in MD and had an amazing time. A lot of sun, lines were non-existent, we did the water park too. Long weekend, amazing stories, and new friends.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that in the car on the way to the Biergarten, katmcd looked over and said, oh there's Sarah from America's Next Top Model. Sure enough, there she was, just walking on the street near Chinatown. Weird right?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Twilight Zone part 1
Part 2 and really most of part 1 will come tomorrow since I'm honestly just wayyyyy too exhausted to function. So quickly, I'll just talk about Friday night. katmcd and I met up at Rugby in Georgetown for what was supposed to be a sorority group happy hour and turned out being me, katmcd, and our friend Angela just catching up. I rarely see AG and it was just so nice to catch up and see what's going on in her life. We had a couple of Orange Crushes and then katmcd and I packed up and metroed to Capital South metro (because AG said with such authority that that's where we needed to go) to meet up with R, K2, MB, and A at Art and Soul for Restaurant Week. It was our original restaurant pick and we were happy they extended it so we could all go. As we found out, Capital South is NOT near the restaurant. We walked for like a solid 20 minutes before finally getting there and as we did, we were seated at an outside table.
It started out somewhat decent, we ordered our meals, our bottles of wine, and started eating some delicious corn bread rolls they had. Soon, our first course came out. I had shrimp with cheese grits and chow chow. There were 3 extremely large delicious shrimp that looked grilled still on the skewer over grits. This dish was my favorite of all the 3 we had. The only logistical error was I would have preferred the shrimp off the skewers or at least tail free. The second dish came, but we all still had our finished appetizer plates, so that was a bit odd. I had a pork chop over risotto with caramelized onions. The pork chop was very delicious but way too salty, even for me. The risotto and onions were amazing also. Admittedly, pork chops are not my favorite food, but I had fish for appetizer and I like to switch things up. katmcd and K2 had some scallops over collard greens and they both said they enjoyed it. R and A had the ravioli with sweet onion cheese. They both were pretty disappointed with their meals, and while I understand ravioli isn't always the best dish to order, it's what they wanted and it should have been delicious. Finally desert came and I had ricotta cheesecake with strawberries. It was mediocre at best. And as a self-proclaimed cheesecake lover and judger, I wasn't a huge fan. A couple of the girls had this chocolate/caramel/popcorn bar thing and they said it was ok. The service was also awful. AWFUL. And the girls seemed to be acting so strange. It was a bizarre experience.
So after we ate, we tried to get the bill, and I spoke up to the waiter, asking if he could split the bill by the bottles of wine. MB and K2 split a $50 bottle of red wine, and A, katmcd, R and I split a $35 bottle of white wine. And sorry, but I wasn't about to pay for their wine. He said he couldn't do that, so I asked if he could then bring a pen so we could designate amounts for the check. So K2 got the check, and figured out what she and MB owed, and then just handed the check to me. Uhm, you couldn't just do both? So I write down everybody else, and we pay. I went to the restroom with A and R. MB, katmcd and K2 go outside. There was some mini-drama bc some of the girls were being extra sensative about weird things and being overly bitchy about others' opinions about the food and restaurant. (hi, everyone has their opinion, that's why we go to these dinners together....to eat, and to discuss the food.) It was awkward. So E Lawyer, R's bf, came and picked us all up and drove us back to Ballston which was SUPER NICE. katmcd and I went to the pub to meet up with Zig and J Coupon, while I'm guessing MB and K2 went to Carpool maybe? I don't know. Oh well.
The rest of the weekend was so ridiculous and amazing and I'll talk about them tomorrow.
Edit: I forgot some funny stuff about the bar afterwards that I wanted to quickly recap. At Tortise and Hare, I saw this extremely tall guy, but he wasn't cute and was wearing this blue striped polo. I tried to turn to Zig and tell him that I thought the guy looked like a tall smurf when he decided to lecture me on only seeing height and then being blinded by it. I was just trying to laugh at the guy, not hit on him. Zig continued, "You can only look at people here(he made that line with his hand that was right at my forehead) and up here(as tall as him...about 6'3")." Oh ok Zig. It was also dopelganger weekend and on Friday night, we met Zig in about 20 years. I have a pic of this man, they are identical. J Coupon on the other hand, saw this really drunk guy dancing with this girl. At one point, the dude took his sandals off and began jigging around and before we knew it, J Coupon was matching this absurd man, shoes off to the side, and Irish jigging. Weird night.
It started out somewhat decent, we ordered our meals, our bottles of wine, and started eating some delicious corn bread rolls they had. Soon, our first course came out. I had shrimp with cheese grits and chow chow. There were 3 extremely large delicious shrimp that looked grilled still on the skewer over grits. This dish was my favorite of all the 3 we had. The only logistical error was I would have preferred the shrimp off the skewers or at least tail free. The second dish came, but we all still had our finished appetizer plates, so that was a bit odd. I had a pork chop over risotto with caramelized onions. The pork chop was very delicious but way too salty, even for me. The risotto and onions were amazing also. Admittedly, pork chops are not my favorite food, but I had fish for appetizer and I like to switch things up. katmcd and K2 had some scallops over collard greens and they both said they enjoyed it. R and A had the ravioli with sweet onion cheese. They both were pretty disappointed with their meals, and while I understand ravioli isn't always the best dish to order, it's what they wanted and it should have been delicious. Finally desert came and I had ricotta cheesecake with strawberries. It was mediocre at best. And as a self-proclaimed cheesecake lover and judger, I wasn't a huge fan. A couple of the girls had this chocolate/caramel/popcorn bar thing and they said it was ok. The service was also awful. AWFUL. And the girls seemed to be acting so strange. It was a bizarre experience.
So after we ate, we tried to get the bill, and I spoke up to the waiter, asking if he could split the bill by the bottles of wine. MB and K2 split a $50 bottle of red wine, and A, katmcd, R and I split a $35 bottle of white wine. And sorry, but I wasn't about to pay for their wine. He said he couldn't do that, so I asked if he could then bring a pen so we could designate amounts for the check. So K2 got the check, and figured out what she and MB owed, and then just handed the check to me. Uhm, you couldn't just do both? So I write down everybody else, and we pay. I went to the restroom with A and R. MB, katmcd and K2 go outside. There was some mini-drama bc some of the girls were being extra sensative about weird things and being overly bitchy about others' opinions about the food and restaurant. (hi, everyone has their opinion, that's why we go to these dinners together....to eat, and to discuss the food.) It was awkward. So E Lawyer, R's bf, came and picked us all up and drove us back to Ballston which was SUPER NICE. katmcd and I went to the pub to meet up with Zig and J Coupon, while I'm guessing MB and K2 went to Carpool maybe? I don't know. Oh well.
The rest of the weekend was so ridiculous and amazing and I'll talk about them tomorrow.
Edit: I forgot some funny stuff about the bar afterwards that I wanted to quickly recap. At Tortise and Hare, I saw this extremely tall guy, but he wasn't cute and was wearing this blue striped polo. I tried to turn to Zig and tell him that I thought the guy looked like a tall smurf when he decided to lecture me on only seeing height and then being blinded by it. I was just trying to laugh at the guy, not hit on him. Zig continued, "You can only look at people here(he made that line with his hand that was right at my forehead) and up here(as tall as him...about 6'3")." Oh ok Zig. It was also dopelganger weekend and on Friday night, we met Zig in about 20 years. I have a pic of this man, they are identical. J Coupon on the other hand, saw this really drunk guy dancing with this girl. At one point, the dude took his sandals off and began jigging around and before we knew it, J Coupon was matching this absurd man, shoes off to the side, and Irish jigging. Weird night.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Long Week
It's been a pretty long week and I don't have too much to say today. It's kickball day, so we'll see how that goes, and I have a JAM PACKED weekend that includes dinner at Art and Soul with the girls, Beirgartens on H St, UFC fights, and Six Flags.
In less than 1 month, I will be here with katmcd and her brother, his wife, and their college friends:
In less than 2 months, I will be here with katmcd and my mom and her husband:
Happy 25th birthday to us soon!
And bc it's Thursday, and we all need just a little push to get to Friday, and in honor of UFC.....
You're welcome. :)
In less than 1 month, I will be here with katmcd and her brother, his wife, and their college friends:
In less than 2 months, I will be here with katmcd and my mom and her husband:
Happy 25th birthday to us soon!
And bc it's Thursday, and we all need just a little push to get to Friday, and in honor of UFC.....
You're welcome. :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Baileys $2 Drafts Kill....People
I'm stealing that from K2's gchat status right now. Last night, I had a Networking committee meeting at Union Jacks. It was our first one and the team is really cool. But then I convinced K2 to meet me at Bailey's for $2 drafts. Instead of writing about it, I'll just post emails I've been sending and receiving this morning. But I will preface that this encounter only included talking and drinking at baileys, a bit of making out outside of my apartment building, and then we went our seperate ways. So random.
Me: so i now have 1/5 of my halloween costume thanks to some guy named ....who I met at Baileys and made out with. Except its the ADUs hat and not BDUs hat jungle style. Whatever though, bc it comes fully stocked and with a 1st leiutenant pin. oh baileys, you kill me. did i also mention while i was waiting for K2, brad and kerry were coming back from rock bottom and hi, they were awesome. they came in and had a drink with us and chatted AND........i got us back in the fantasy league! AND i got him to do the baileys draft again. WHO AM I???????
MB: omg! and here i was sound asleep by 10 pm. your hilarious. i have no idea what an ADU is. is it your beret? your hilarious. what time did you get home. hilarious about fantasy draft. all of us are back in? and when is it then? and your sarah who is awesome.
Me: oh my bad. ACU...army combat uniform. desert digital. hahaha. omfg mb, so let's see....the three of us plus E are in the draft, well, i sent B his email, and hopefully he'll follow through and invite us all. we don't know when bc he hadn't thought about it before i said it. so once i told him about you calling and checking and it being the same deal we had already, him and kerry were in. hahah wtf. and my networking group...they are awesome! i recongnized a few kids from that chicago training but overall everyone's nice and like to drink a lot. so i think that's a good thing i'm doing. i stopped at starbucks today and got a breakfast sammie and coffee and am feeling soooo tired. last time i looked at the clock it was 230am. did i mention that the kid was a wounded war vet from afghanistan(airforce)....? he had broken his leg over there and was waiting for it to heal to be sent back over. sooooo random.
katmcd: oh jeez sarg. so he gave you his uniform? okay, i know exactly what you have now. i can picture it. too funny. do we plan on seeing him again or is this a game of finders keepers?
Me: and i'm going to blame my networking group, bc i was good after 2 beers. i was gonna go home, and go for a run. but no, they made me get a 3rd and therefore i had to call K2 and go to baileys. did i also mention that the kid K2 was talking to, they were talking about books and she made him a reading list?
Me: so i now have 1/5 of my halloween costume thanks to some guy named ....who I met at Baileys and made out with. Except its the ADUs hat and not BDUs hat jungle style. Whatever though, bc it comes fully stocked and with a 1st leiutenant pin. oh baileys, you kill me. did i also mention while i was waiting for K2, brad and kerry were coming back from rock bottom and hi, they were awesome. they came in and had a drink with us and chatted AND........i got us back in the fantasy league! AND i got him to do the baileys draft again. WHO AM I???????
MB: omg! and here i was sound asleep by 10 pm. your hilarious. i have no idea what an ADU is. is it your beret? your hilarious. what time did you get home. hilarious about fantasy draft. all of us are back in? and when is it then? and your sarah who is awesome.
Me: oh my bad. ACU...army combat uniform. desert digital. hahaha. omfg mb, so let's see....the three of us plus E are in the draft, well, i sent B his email, and hopefully he'll follow through and invite us all. we don't know when bc he hadn't thought about it before i said it. so once i told him about you calling and checking and it being the same deal we had already, him and kerry were in. hahah wtf. and my networking group...they are awesome! i recongnized a few kids from that chicago training but overall everyone's nice and like to drink a lot. so i think that's a good thing i'm doing. i stopped at starbucks today and got a breakfast sammie and coffee and am feeling soooo tired. last time i looked at the clock it was 230am. did i mention that the kid was a wounded war vet from afghanistan(airforce)....? he had broken his leg over there and was waiting for it to heal to be sent back over. sooooo random.
katmcd: oh jeez sarg. so he gave you his uniform? okay, i know exactly what you have now. i can picture it. too funny. do we plan on seeing him again or is this a game of finders keepers?
Me: and i'm going to blame my networking group, bc i was good after 2 beers. i was gonna go home, and go for a run. but no, they made me get a 3rd and therefore i had to call K2 and go to baileys. did i also mention that the kid K2 was talking to, they were talking about books and she made him a reading list?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Fantasy Results
For any football junkies like me out there, last night was MB, K2, and I's fantasy football draft. It was drastically different than last year. We weren't at the bar with like 8 of us, all with our computers, and taking a full 5 minutes to draft a pick. It was the 3 of us, at MB's place with food and some beer, 1 1/2 minutes to draft and we were done in an hour. Bizarre. Anyways, I think I got some great picks, and with the one exception where I spaced out and drafted someone who's about to be suspended for 6 full games, I was pretty happy. And I fixed that mistake right away. So....here's my team.
I Killed a Shark
Tony Romo
Fred Gore
Marion Barber
Calvin Johnson
Mike Sims-Walker
Hines Ward
Brent Celek
Shayne Graham
San Fransisco 49ers
Matt Ryan
Steve Breaston
Chris Cooley
Jerome Harrison
Vincent Jackson(he's the suspended player, I picked up Mario Manningham as a back-up)
Dallas Cowboys
How do you think I did?
I Killed a Shark
Tony Romo
Fred Gore
Marion Barber
Calvin Johnson
Mike Sims-Walker
Hines Ward
Brent Celek
Shayne Graham
San Fransisco 49ers
Matt Ryan
Steve Breaston
Chris Cooley
Jerome Harrison
Vincent Jackson(he's the suspended player, I picked up Mario Manningham as a back-up)
Dallas Cowboys
How do you think I did?
Monday, August 23, 2010
I Saw the Sign
I'm a really firm believer in signs. Symbols or events or pictures or whatever that show you something. Sometimes it's something you're supposed to do, or someone you're supposed to be with, or flashbacks of different ideas or events. As I posted a while back, I've been considering a move to Chicago. I've been in DC now for 7 years almost to the date and have had a really up and down time. College, break ups, fantastic trips and parties, some really solid and amazing friendships, meeting new friends, and losing old ones. Last night, I received 2 more signs that it's time for me to move on and out of DC.
1. My best friend from college got engaged. The extremely short version of this story is we lived together for 2 years after college (and 2 years in college), and had been inseperable since freshman year when we were pledging our sorority. Right out of college she met a guy who none of our friends liked, and then she moved in with him. There were accusations of cheating and criminal charges made towards him and she stuck with him through it all. Many people have just let their friendships with her fade out, including me, and it obviously hasn't been easy.
2. My college exbf moved back to DC. He visited me during the summer that we were together and he fell in love with Dallas and moved there after college. He has a super bitter taste in his mouth towards me but he pulled crazy shit when we were in the process of breaking up (I ended itbc I was young and wanted time to explore options.). Anyways, I know some of his fraternity brothers watch football at my football bar so I"m just now wondering how long it'll be before I see him. He'll probably want to come up and punch me in the face.
1. My best friend from college got engaged. The extremely short version of this story is we lived together for 2 years after college (and 2 years in college), and had been inseperable since freshman year when we were pledging our sorority. Right out of college she met a guy who none of our friends liked, and then she moved in with him. There were accusations of cheating and criminal charges made towards him and she stuck with him through it all. Many people have just let their friendships with her fade out, including me, and it obviously hasn't been easy.
2. My college exbf moved back to DC. He visited me during the summer that we were together and he fell in love with Dallas and moved there after college. He has a super bitter taste in his mouth towards me but he pulled crazy shit when we were in the process of breaking up (I ended itbc I was young and wanted time to explore options.). Anyways, I know some of his fraternity brothers watch football at my football bar so I"m just now wondering how long it'll be before I see him. He'll probably want to come up and punch me in the face.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Today it's Cloudy With a Chance of Hangover
Last night MB, K2, and I went to Clarendon Ballroom. We were supposed to go to Russia House but katmcd wasn't feeling great so we postponed that idea so the four of us could all go together.
Anyways, we got there early and went up to the rooftop bar. Soon after finishing our first beer this guy comes up to us and introduces himself as "Token." He's black and cute and I was honestly so confused that his name couldn't possibly be that, but also, why would he label himself that? After chatting with this man for a while these are the things I found out:
1. He has a last name that's a first name. So basically he had 2 first names. Kind of weird but I know it happens.
2. The man had an absurd amount of branding on his body, done by his fraternity in college. Not only were they like everywhere, but some of them were HUGE. I wish I had taken a picture.
3. He drives a 95 supra. I have no idea why this was important but we did talk about cars last night. Super weird.
We separated from him and his friends and then spent the rest of the night just dancing away and laughing at the ridiculousness that is the ballroom. A lot of military men, a couple of a lot of sluts, and a lot of running away from creepsters.
Anyways, we got there early and went up to the rooftop bar. Soon after finishing our first beer this guy comes up to us and introduces himself as "Token." He's black and cute and I was honestly so confused that his name couldn't possibly be that, but also, why would he label himself that? After chatting with this man for a while these are the things I found out:
1. He has a last name that's a first name. So basically he had 2 first names. Kind of weird but I know it happens.
2. The man had an absurd amount of branding on his body, done by his fraternity in college. Not only were they like everywhere, but some of them were HUGE. I wish I had taken a picture.
3. He drives a 95 supra. I have no idea why this was important but we did talk about cars last night. Super weird.
We separated from him and his friends and then spent the rest of the night just dancing away and laughing at the ridiculousness that is the ballroom. A lot of military men, a couple of a lot of sluts, and a lot of running away from creepsters.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Keg Bus FTW!
The Keg Bus was a HUGE success. I don't know why, but everyone was in great spririts, and with the one exception of one of J Coupon's douchey friends calling me a cunt (which, btw, I don't like that word, I don't use it, I think it's really degrading). getting upset and then having Zig try and beat the shit out of him, I had the best time. Obviously Justin's friend's were left at that bar and we went elsewhere.
This is the list of bars we made it to and the list of drinks:
Hamilton's-Shot of Tequila, Dollar PBRs, complete with can pyramids
Blackfinn-1 beer, Pinapple Upside Down Cake shot, a lot of Champagne straight from the bottle
Stoney's-uhm....a beer?
Crystal City Sports Pub-Scooby Snack shot
And I finished my entire bottle of boones! And why did we get dropped off in the middle of nowhere? And who did I get taquitos with? And why did I drunk dial Peter? And how did I not vomit? And how did I play softball this morning?
This is the list of bars we made it to and the list of drinks:
Hamilton's-Shot of Tequila, Dollar PBRs, complete with can pyramids
Blackfinn-1 beer, Pinapple Upside Down Cake shot, a lot of Champagne straight from the bottle
Stoney's-uhm....a beer?
Crystal City Sports Pub-Scooby Snack shot
And I finished my entire bottle of boones! And why did we get dropped off in the middle of nowhere? And who did I get taquitos with? And why did I drunk dial Peter? And how did I not vomit? And how did I play softball this morning?
Friday, August 20, 2010
I Got a Feelin
That Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night!
Randomly enough, I got told that I don't have to come into work today! What a nice suprise. I did some errands and cleaned my apartment today and am just resting up until around 7 when I head over to MB's to meet up with her, K2, and katmcd for pregaming for this:
Oh Kegbus....you will be an interesting evening. Did I also forget to mention that I won a VIP thing at Blackfinn tonight? 10-1. See ya there. Or maybe by 10pm I'll be blackout.
Randomly enough, I got told that I don't have to come into work today! What a nice suprise. I did some errands and cleaned my apartment today and am just resting up until around 7 when I head over to MB's to meet up with her, K2, and katmcd for pregaming for this:
Oh Kegbus....you will be an interesting evening. Did I also forget to mention that I won a VIP thing at Blackfinn tonight? 10-1. See ya there. Or maybe by 10pm I'll be blackout.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Jumanji? No Geronimo!
Today is one of those days, that no matter what people are saying (or sending) to me, I'm just super slow to understand it. I don't know why, but I blame myself for being somewhat incompetant today. It just reminds me of an encounter with an American couple in a Barcelona bar. Katmcd is explaining how the night prior, we had met an Argentinian named Geronimo(no lie), and Matt, the man of the couple, is explaining how to play this absurd game. The game goes like this:
Katmcd: His name was Geronimo.
Matt: Jumanji?
Katmcd: No, Geronimo.
Matt: I don't understand why someone would name their child Jumanji.
Katmcd: No no his name was Geronimo!
And so on. Supposedly you can do this with anything, and I don't remember what the point of the game was, but it's how I feel today. And I'm doing it totally unintentionally. So to the couple of people I'm emailing with today, I apologize for being a ruh-tard.
Katmcd: His name was Geronimo.
Matt: Jumanji?
Katmcd: No, Geronimo.
Matt: I don't understand why someone would name their child Jumanji.
Katmcd: No no his name was Geronimo!
And so on. Supposedly you can do this with anything, and I don't remember what the point of the game was, but it's how I feel today. And I'm doing it totally unintentionally. So to the couple of people I'm emailing with today, I apologize for being a ruh-tard.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Fantasy Football
This year, since MB, K2 and I got ousted from our other league (due to the guys we used to hang out with being complete d-bags, and 30-year old children), so we decided to just join one of the NFL.com run leagues together. Within approximately 10 minutes, our league was filled up with dudes. Go figure. Our 3 teams names are Smitten with Witten(K2), MB's Shufflin Crew(MB), and I Killed a Shark(me). So kill me, I'm not all that creative when it comes to naming myself. This is my 3rd year doing fantasy and it's just so random and fun.
And finally...some mud run pics.
And finally...some mud run pics.
So much fun and so gross.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I Wish
1. That I magically was given $3000.
2. That I had a personal shopper.
3. That my car was paid off.
4. That Run Amuck photos would be posted (ahem, it's been over the 72 hours originally noted)
5. That I was back in Spain.

2. That I had a personal shopper.
3. That my car was paid off.
4. That Run Amuck photos would be posted (ahem, it's been over the 72 hours originally noted)
5. That I was back in Spain.

Monday, August 16, 2010
Love Yourself Week
Since I'm bored every day at work, around noon, I head over to one of my favorite websites for everything, The Frisky. This week, they are saying that it's Love Yourself Week, and each day, one of their staffers is writing 30 things that they love about themselves. I really like that, and I've decided to play along. I think I need this after being dumped last month. My confidence has been really up and down and I'm trying to get my head back on straight. So in their honor, here we go.
Things I love about myself:
1. I'm a serious athlete.
2. I scare a lot of guys
3. I support my friends, even if I can't say it.
4. My tattoos.
5. I don't like to read.
6. I love football and really study the game.
7. I don't regret things, I just learn from my mistakes.
8. I know how to drive stick-shift.
9. I bought a car.
10. I live on my own.
11. I love my mom.
12. I typically don't give a shit about what others think, I just go with whatever my feelings are.
13. I'm an action taker, not an idea getter.
14. I feel like a chameleon. I change my hair color a lot and feel like a different person every tme.
15. I hide my emotions 90% of the time. Seeing the other 10% means that you know me so well that I'd do anything for you.
16. I can drink with the best of them.
17. I cuss like a sailor.
18. I know how to cook amazing meals, without recipes.
19. I travel, and get absolutely crazy abroad.
20. I am a f'ing awesome kisser.
21. I'm passionate and loud.
22. I'm multicultural.
23. My ability to move on.
24. My friends know they can trust me to show them a good time.
25. My laugh.
26. My pride.
27. My sense of being strong on my own, and in return be strong with someone else.
28. My patience for picking a man.
29. My ability to seperate hot, one-night stand sex and I'm in love, want to be with you forever sex.
30. I treat my friends like family.
What 30 things do you love about yourself?
Things I love about myself:
1. I'm a serious athlete.
2. I scare a lot of guys
3. I support my friends, even if I can't say it.
4. My tattoos.
5. I don't like to read.
6. I love football and really study the game.
7. I don't regret things, I just learn from my mistakes.
8. I know how to drive stick-shift.
9. I bought a car.
10. I live on my own.
11. I love my mom.
12. I typically don't give a shit about what others think, I just go with whatever my feelings are.
13. I'm an action taker, not an idea getter.
14. I feel like a chameleon. I change my hair color a lot and feel like a different person every tme.
15. I hide my emotions 90% of the time. Seeing the other 10% means that you know me so well that I'd do anything for you.
16. I can drink with the best of them.
17. I cuss like a sailor.
18. I know how to cook amazing meals, without recipes.
19. I travel, and get absolutely crazy abroad.
20. I am a f'ing awesome kisser.
21. I'm passionate and loud.
22. I'm multicultural.
23. My ability to move on.
24. My friends know they can trust me to show them a good time.
25. My laugh.
26. My pride.
27. My sense of being strong on my own, and in return be strong with someone else.
28. My patience for picking a man.
29. My ability to seperate hot, one-night stand sex and I'm in love, want to be with you forever sex.
30. I treat my friends like family.
What 30 things do you love about yourself?
I Support Your Move to the Mountain Time Zone
This is what my high school friend Peter said in his voicemail when he drunk dialed me Saturday night. He said he supported my move to the Pacific time zone, Central time zone, or Mountain time zone. What states are even in the Mountain time zone? And isn't it like only half of a time zone because the other times it matches the Pacific? I don't know. Anyways, today is his birthday and he turns 26. Our tradition started a few years ago, when I was drunk and called him at 12am on the morning of his birthday. But oops, I live on the East Coast, and it was only 11pm in Texas. So every year since then I've called him 12am Eastern, 11pm Central to wish him a happy birthday. He said he was not happy about turning 26 but then I told him about J Coupon and Zig being in their 30s and then he just told me I hung out with old people. Haha.
Today I have yet to receive any work emails, so I'm just reading the blogs and adjusting my personal budget. I fell into some hard times money wise and am trying to readjust everything. Thankfully, it's almost noon and then it'll be 5 and then I can go home and work out and relax. This week is Restuarant Week here in DC and my friends and I are planning on trying out Mio. I don't know what to expect, but the food is always delicious pretty much. And I get to see my mom on Saturday. She's coming out for my softball tournament on Saturday. I'm very excited. Here we are: (me back when I was blonde)
Today I have yet to receive any work emails, so I'm just reading the blogs and adjusting my personal budget. I fell into some hard times money wise and am trying to readjust everything. Thankfully, it's almost noon and then it'll be 5 and then I can go home and work out and relax. This week is Restuarant Week here in DC and my friends and I are planning on trying out Mio. I don't know what to expect, but the food is always delicious pretty much. And I get to see my mom on Saturday. She's coming out for my softball tournament on Saturday. I'm very excited. Here we are: (me back when I was blonde)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
So while I wish I could have slept a little later, I'm watching the travel channel, because a Disney Cruise Line special was on, and now, this special of Residensea is on. It's a cruise line but people live on this ship. It travles around the world and honestly sounds amazing. But it does seem like a rich old folks home. I like the idea though. Also, I love cruise ships for their food. I think I'd really like some of that now. Today I cannot move. The Run Amuck and 6 hours of softball wiped me out. And off to work I go in an hour. Lame.
OMFG and I'm seeing on People.com that Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie got married. So f'ing jealous....plus, isn't she my age? Nope, she's 2 years younger. FML.
OMFG and I'm seeing on People.com that Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie got married. So f'ing jealous....plus, isn't she my age? Nope, she's 2 years younger. FML.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
What's Going On?
Bitch I killed a shark!
K2 was full of quotes this morning. At 7am on the Run Amuck course, she was spouting random things here and there. The mud run was so f'ing fun. My knees are ruined, and then I went and played 6 hours of softball. Yep, I'm burnt. Boo. Ok, well I'm just catching up on my GTL friends and then heading to MB's. She's cooking K2 and I dinner and then the three of us are headed to the ballroom!!!!! Watch out military men, right now we're on a mission.
K2 was full of quotes this morning. At 7am on the Run Amuck course, she was spouting random things here and there. The mud run was so f'ing fun. My knees are ruined, and then I went and played 6 hours of softball. Yep, I'm burnt. Boo. Ok, well I'm just catching up on my GTL friends and then heading to MB's. She's cooking K2 and I dinner and then the three of us are headed to the ballroom!!!!! Watch out military men, right now we're on a mission.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Busy Friday
Last night, K2 and I attempted to watch the Cowboys preseason game but Bailey's didn't have it. We ended up just sitting there anyways for a few hours. Today I woke up somewhat refreshed and ready to tackle an absurdly long to-do list.
1. Oil Change
2. Shipment of DVDs to Mom
3. Shipment of DVDs to sell
4. Shipment of Old Blackberry
5. Goodwill drop-off
6. Purchase New Running Shoes (since my current ones will be destroyed tomorrow)
7. Grocery Store
8. Pack bag for tomorrow
9. Prep for softball tournament tomorrow
1. Oil Change
2. Shipment of DVDs to Mom
3. Shipment of DVDs to sell
4. Shipment of Old Blackberry
5. Goodwill drop-off
6. Purchase New Running Shoes (since my current ones will be destroyed tomorrow)
7. Grocery Store
8. Pack bag for tomorrow
9. Prep for softball tournament tomorrow
See, that's a lot to do. I'm done with almost everything! But I need to get on it, so I'm going to leave you with beautiful Matt Moore of the Carolina Panthers. Yum!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
You Don't Look 30, You Look...Uhm, 28
I got home at 2:30 this morning. I feel like this:
But I have to get through the day. Softball was Ok. We won, but it's hard with so many people coming out to games now. Then we went to the pub and drank and ate some dinner. Everybody kind of left all together and me, J Coupon, and Zig were left. Just like old times.
Tonight I'm skipping the bar for kickball (since we have a bye week this week) and heading to the gym and then home to sleep. Or duh...watch Jersey Shore! Let the fist pumping begin.
Also, mud run....t minus 2 days. FML.
But I have to get through the day. Softball was Ok. We won, but it's hard with so many people coming out to games now. Then we went to the pub and drank and ate some dinner. Everybody kind of left all together and me, J Coupon, and Zig were left. Just like old times.
Tonight I'm skipping the bar for kickball (since we have a bye week this week) and heading to the gym and then home to sleep. Or duh...watch Jersey Shore! Let the fist pumping begin.
Also, mud run....t minus 2 days. FML.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
With Age Comes Wisdom
Today one of my very good friends turns 30. I've known him for just over 3 years and I'm excited to celebrate with him tonight. J Coupon always schedules our softball games on his bday, so this year is no different. We have softball, followed by most likely an outing at the pub. By the pub, I mean Crystal City Sports Pub. Maybe you've heard of it, maybe not. But this place, at least when I was living in CC and the guys lived upstairs, was like home.
The next 3-5 months are going to be crazy tight on money, and crazy busy. In a month, I'll be headed to Hilton Head for katmcd's 25th birthday, then maybe 2 weeks later is my 25th birthday. Fun or not? On that note, I'll just leave you with some more hot football players, NFC East edition.
Bradie James(Cowboys):
Graham Gano (Redskins):
Hank Basket and Brent Celek (Eagles):
well, i tried, but i found no hot Giants. Sorry.
The next 3-5 months are going to be crazy tight on money, and crazy busy. In a month, I'll be headed to Hilton Head for katmcd's 25th birthday, then maybe 2 weeks later is my 25th birthday. Fun or not? On that note, I'll just leave you with some more hot football players, NFC East edition.
Bradie James(Cowboys):
Hank Basket and Brent Celek (Eagles):
well, i tried, but i found no hot Giants. Sorry.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Mud Run My Ass
In exactly 4 days, I will be doing the Quantico Run Amuck. Why you ask? I have no idea. Basically it's a 3 mile course with obstacles and of course, mud pits. I blame my psycho friends for wanting me to partake in this absurd super early morning event. This is what I think I'll look like:

This is why I've been doing those sports conditioning classes. In hopes that I can make this 3 mile run with obstacles and not collapse. Wish me luck.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Case of the Mondays
Yep, today is a bad day. I woke up and can barely lift my arms or move my legs. I tried to get gas, and the thing read my card fine, but when I attempted to actually pump the gas, nothing came out. That happened twice. I finally gave up and went to the Hess down the street. I don't get what was going on. I'm also trying to deal with a mini-financial crisis. It's not good. I'm so stressed out that I woke up at 3 and tossed and turned for like an hour. I really just wish I was rich, or won the lottery, or inherited a million dollars.
And tonight, I'm playing softball again on my friend Mike's team. Let's hope for no injuries.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday Sunday Sunday
duh duh duh. duh duh duh. (insert NFL theme jingle here)
I'm just sitting watching my Cowboys take on the Bengals in the Hall of Fame game. It's silly and it's just like another pregame. I really experience this amazing feeling every Sunday during football season. It just reminds me that every Sunday for the next 4 months, I'll be sitting with 2 of my best friends for anywhere from 5 to 10 hours at the bar in our football jerseys just loving life and yelling at tvs. This is us here:

Warm fuzzy feeling back. Wait, nope it's gone. Oh that's just because I walked across my apartment and since I took Sports Conditioning again today I seriously can't lift my arms. I'm not happy to go to work tomorrow.
I'm just sitting watching my Cowboys take on the Bengals in the Hall of Fame game. It's silly and it's just like another pregame. I really experience this amazing feeling every Sunday during football season. It just reminds me that every Sunday for the next 4 months, I'll be sitting with 2 of my best friends for anywhere from 5 to 10 hours at the bar in our football jerseys just loving life and yelling at tvs. This is us here:

Warm fuzzy feeling back. Wait, nope it's gone. Oh that's just because I walked across my apartment and since I took Sports Conditioning again today I seriously can't lift my arms. I'm not happy to go to work tomorrow.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
I'm up pretty early this Saturday morning, and playing on Hallmark channel is Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Let me just tell you that I have this on VHS and I've just always loved it. My favorite part is when they're in the animated part and it's coming up soon.

Then I'm heading to the pool with MB, the gym, ATL to work for a while, and finally Zig's divorce party. I'm honestly pretty excited about this party and my black eyes have finally gone down a tiny bit. I do have to go buy 4 bottles of champagne though. And hopefully I can meet someone who looks like this:

Then I'm heading to the pool with MB, the gym, ATL to work for a while, and finally Zig's divorce party. I'm honestly pretty excited about this party and my black eyes have finally gone down a tiny bit. I do have to go buy 4 bottles of champagne though. And hopefully I can meet someone who looks like this:

Friday, August 6, 2010
I love the Kardashians
Let me just tell you, I love this show. I have no idea why, but I'm just obsessed with the sisters. And it seems like they work so hard but live these fabulous lives. A few thoughts:
1. I really think I'm a lot like Khloe. She's loudmouthed and a bit overwhelming and emotional, yet tries to be so strong and never backs down. I love it.
2. The way Kendall and Kylie are growing up, they just look gorgeous.
3. Kourtney...for the love of god, leave Scott!
4. I love Lamar and Rob being besties.
5. Kris is an awesome mom. She's bat shit bonkers, but she just wants the best for all of her kids.
6. Bruce is the comedic relief in this show. But I think the girls really look up to him and respect him.
And there's a mini marathon of Kourtney and Khloe take Miami on. FTW!
1. I really think I'm a lot like Khloe. She's loudmouthed and a bit overwhelming and emotional, yet tries to be so strong and never backs down. I love it.
2. The way Kendall and Kylie are growing up, they just look gorgeous.
3. Kourtney...for the love of god, leave Scott!
4. I love Lamar and Rob being besties.
5. Kris is an awesome mom. She's bat shit bonkers, but she just wants the best for all of her kids.
6. Bruce is the comedic relief in this show. But I think the girls really look up to him and respect him.
And there's a mini marathon of Kourtney and Khloe take Miami on. FTW!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Today is kickball day. I've played DC Kickball 3 out of 4 seasons of kickball. For 1 season katmcd and I ventured over to WAKA. Fail. I should be excited, but I'm more just worried that Kevin will be there. That's how we met actually. He played on another team in my league last year. That's all I really need. To see him when I look terrible.
Anyways, K2 and MB joined katmcd and I's team, The Mighty Drunks. Our team last year was super fun and even won the Crystal Pitcher(basically the award for the most fun bar-goers). There are a lot of new people on our team. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes. Positive attitude. At least there's always flip cup at the end of the night.

Edit: I think I just caught the biggest break ever. Kevin's old team doesn't play today, and my team doesn't play next week. Thanks whoever did that. I need the time to not look like a f'ing raccoon.
Anyways, K2 and MB joined katmcd and I's team, The Mighty Drunks. Our team last year was super fun and even won the Crystal Pitcher(basically the award for the most fun bar-goers). There are a lot of new people on our team. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes. Positive attitude. At least there's always flip cup at the end of the night.

Edit: I think I just caught the biggest break ever. Kevin's old team doesn't play today, and my team doesn't play next week. Thanks whoever did that. I need the time to not look like a f'ing raccoon.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
2 Black Eyes
Yes, it's true, I woke up this morning and both of my eyes are bloody and bruised. It's super gross, I admit. My teeth are hurting, so no real solid food for me. Maybe I'll post a picture today of the injury. I stayed home yesterday and just layed around, iced my eyes/face, and slept. Today I came into the office but alas I have no work to do. It's so incredibly frustrating that I want to do work, but nobody will give me any.
Anyways, today starts a very very busy couple of weeks. Tonight is PPC softball, tomorrow is the season opener for kickball (Go Mighty Drunks!), Friday is work at ATL followed by an outing at Blackfinn. Saturday I have ATL in the afternoon, then Zig's divorce party. Honestly, this thing should be super fun. We haven't been to a good house/apartment party in a really really long time. Too bad I have f'ing raccoon eyes. I could have used a good hook up or something. Hahaha. Maybe not. And following this weekend, I have obviously softball games, J Coupon's birthday, the Quantico Run Amuck, a girls Six Flag trip, and the softball tournament. That's just in August. Rough month.
On that note, I leave you with something fabulous to look at, in honor of the upcoming football season.
Tony Romo:

Philip Rivers:

Matt Ryan:

and for MB, Brady Quinn:
Anyways, today starts a very very busy couple of weeks. Tonight is PPC softball, tomorrow is the season opener for kickball (Go Mighty Drunks!), Friday is work at ATL followed by an outing at Blackfinn. Saturday I have ATL in the afternoon, then Zig's divorce party. Honestly, this thing should be super fun. We haven't been to a good house/apartment party in a really really long time. Too bad I have f'ing raccoon eyes. I could have used a good hook up or something. Hahaha. Maybe not. And following this weekend, I have obviously softball games, J Coupon's birthday, the Quantico Run Amuck, a girls Six Flag trip, and the softball tournament. That's just in August. Rough month.
On that note, I leave you with something fabulous to look at, in honor of the upcoming football season.
Tony Romo:

Philip Rivers:

Matt Ryan:

and for MB, Brady Quinn:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Got hit in the face smack in my forehead last night with a softball and broke my nose. I have a black eye and am in a ton of pain. I'm at home today. FML. Major thanks to MB for driving me to the hospital and sitting there until 2am with me. Ouchie.
Monday, August 2, 2010
CityShopGirl sent out an email today with a coupon from Taberna Del Alabardero in downtown for a free pitcher of Sangria. CSG FTW! Now I've never been to TDA, but I think for that free pitcher I'd be willing to try it.
Also, as this weekend was all about pool time and good times, MB and I went to Big Buns. HOLY BANANAS it was so delicious. I totally recommend it to anyone in the Ballston/VA Sq area if you want a ridiculous awesome burger or chicken sandwich. I could only eat half my burger and a bit of fries, and taking them home so I could eat them as leftovers was simply amazing.
This week, well this month at work is going to be seriously slow. I'm not looking forward to it.
In another random event this weekend, my friend went home with some guy she met at The Guards on Saturday night. I guess she wasn't feeling it, so she left. She walked about 3 minutes before remember she forgot her ring there. She walked back, and I guess the guy was asleep, but the door was open. As a parting gift, she pocketed some dvd of a movie she likes. HAHAHAH, not sure what she was thinking but it's pretty awesome.
And lets not forget the new obsession of classes at Gold's. Last night I ventured over to the gym to take Sports Conditioning. Sometimes I can suprise myself with how mean I am to my body. This class seriously was awesome but so incredibly hard. Today my shoulders and upper back/neck is sore, my calves are on fire, and walking the stairs is damn near impossible. Obviously, it did great things for me. I totally recommend taking it, preferrably with Andy. Because hi, he's cute.
Also, as this weekend was all about pool time and good times, MB and I went to Big Buns. HOLY BANANAS it was so delicious. I totally recommend it to anyone in the Ballston/VA Sq area if you want a ridiculous awesome burger or chicken sandwich. I could only eat half my burger and a bit of fries, and taking them home so I could eat them as leftovers was simply amazing.
This week, well this month at work is going to be seriously slow. I'm not looking forward to it.
In another random event this weekend, my friend went home with some guy she met at The Guards on Saturday night. I guess she wasn't feeling it, so she left. She walked about 3 minutes before remember she forgot her ring there. She walked back, and I guess the guy was asleep, but the door was open. As a parting gift, she pocketed some dvd of a movie she likes. HAHAHAH, not sure what she was thinking but it's pretty awesome.
And lets not forget the new obsession of classes at Gold's. Last night I ventured over to the gym to take Sports Conditioning. Sometimes I can suprise myself with how mean I am to my body. This class seriously was awesome but so incredibly hard. Today my shoulders and upper back/neck is sore, my calves are on fire, and walking the stairs is damn near impossible. Obviously, it did great things for me. I totally recommend taking it, preferrably with Andy. Because hi, he's cute.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Gold's Gym
Gold's Gym

Like I wrote about in my last post, I joined Gold's Gym recently and have been trying out many different classes. Spin and zumba have been my main go-tos, but tonight I'm headed to sports conditioning class. MB and I had a fabulous weekend of laying out at the pool and last night in Georgetown was pretty ridiculous but really fun but I need to kick my ass tonight over eating Taco Bell at 3am. Gold's is going to help me get through everything.
On a sidenote, thank god July is over. I'm tired of staring at events that Kevin and I went to together. We're broken up. I want to just forget him. Please.

Like I wrote about in my last post, I joined Gold's Gym recently and have been trying out many different classes. Spin and zumba have been my main go-tos, but tonight I'm headed to sports conditioning class. MB and I had a fabulous weekend of laying out at the pool and last night in Georgetown was pretty ridiculous but really fun but I need to kick my ass tonight over eating Taco Bell at 3am. Gold's is going to help me get through everything.
On a sidenote, thank god July is over. I'm tired of staring at events that Kevin and I went to together. We're broken up. I want to just forget him. Please.
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