
Monday, August 16, 2010

I Support Your Move to the Mountain Time Zone

This is what my high school friend Peter said in his voicemail when he drunk dialed me Saturday night.  He said he supported my move to the Pacific time zone, Central time zone, or Mountain time zone.  What states are even in the Mountain time zone?  And isn't it like only half of a time zone because the other times it matches the Pacific?  I don't know.  Anyways, today is his birthday and he turns 26.  Our tradition started a few years ago, when I was drunk and called him at 12am on the morning of his birthday.  But oops, I live on the East Coast, and it was only 11pm in Texas.  So every year since then I've called him 12am Eastern, 11pm Central to wish him a happy birthday.  He said he was not happy about turning 26 but then I told him about J Coupon and Zig being in their 30s and then he just told me I hung out with old people.  Haha.  

Today I have yet to receive any work emails, so I'm just reading the blogs and adjusting my personal budget.  I fell into some hard times money wise and am trying to readjust everything.  Thankfully, it's almost noon and then it'll be 5 and then I can go home and work out and relax.  This week is Restuarant Week here in DC and my friends and I are planning on trying out Mio. I don't know what to expect, but the food is always delicious pretty much.  And I get to see my mom on Saturday.  She's coming out for my softball tournament on Saturday.  I'm very excited.  Here we are:  (me back when I was blonde)

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